Availle rediscovered her love for audio books - long buried since childhood - around 2010. Since then she has read numerous books out loud, but is sometimes still surprised to find herself on the other side of the speakers.
A voracious reader ever since she was able to puzzle letters into meaningful words, Availle nowadays most enjoys lending her voice to non-fiction, especially to old science books. On top of that, she has an almost insatiable appetite for anything Asian, in particular Japanese.
Availle hails from Austria, but since 2002 she has lived in other countries where she had to speak English. She now lives in Japan and tries to navigate the intricacies of the Japanese language and culture, not to mention bureaucracy. Availle's English cadence has been described as "haunting, with an unplaceable accent", and her German "Burgtheatherdeutsch" simply as "ear candy".
Feel free to browse these pages and listen to a book or two. Availle loves to hear from her listeners - you can send her a message through the contact page.
About the use of Availle's recordings:
Most of Availle's recordings are in the public domain and can be used for any purpose.
However, her voice is her own. Availle does OPT OUT / NOT CONSENT / NOT GIVE PERMISSION to use her voice for any AI-related projects, from speech recognition to creating artificial voices. Thank you.
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